Nanna Aida Svendsen

Nanna är en person som tycker om att utforska och kartlägga terrängen i den inre världen, något som hon har ägnat sig åt i mer än 40 år. Hon vill gärna rikta sin medvetenhet mot hjärtat och känna in i nuet. Dialog på djupet och kreativa medvetna samtal är viktiga för henne, men hon inspireras också av det inre livet och av naturen. Hon värdesätter tid i avskildhet för att stanna upp, reflektera och skriva.

Nanna föddes i England, växte upp i Danmark, bodde i USA under många år och har nu slagit sig ner i Sverige med sin svenskamerikanske man. Hon har upptäckt att det finns något väldigt speciellt med naturen där hon bor utanför Stockholm. ”Det är så vackert och känns så skönt här ute”, säger hon. Skärgårdsnaturen tände hennes hjärta och talade till författaren inom henne. Först kom en ström av tankestycken som hon lade in på sin hemsida och sedan flera tankeböcker, alla skrivna på engelska.

Livet som poet passar Nanna väl och hon är tacksam att kunna hålla på med det hon älskar att göra. Förutom i boken Hjärtats tidevarv finns hennes finstämda texter att läsa på hennes hemsida och i hennes böcker ”Of Water Lilies and Warm Hearts” och ”Heart; Wisdom Awakening”.

Hennes andra bok på förlaget, "The Touch of Nordic Light" släpptes 2017, och hennes tredje bok, "Cherishing the Soul" släpps den 9 april 2021. Hon har skrivit ytterligare tre böcker via andra förlag samt medverkat i förlagets antologi-serie, utöver dessa titlar.

In English:

About Nanna Aida Svendsen

Nanna is an explorer and mapmaker of the inner realms, writer and poet. Her passion is linking consciousness with heart and feeling into the emergent. She likes to think, that even though these are trying times, humanity is being called to awaken and begin inhabiting the path with heart. 


 “This might sound easy” Nanna says.” It isn’t. It is an ongoing practice.” For her it has to do with giving value to the inner life as well as the outer. Listening, receiving, reflecting, processing experience, bringing a steadfast light of awareness to the ways the heart is hurting or has been wounded, as well as to its joys and what it loves, are important to her. Though invisible work, and often discounted by mainstream culture, she considers it essential. That the future of humanity may depend on people finding, healing and following their hearts. It may depend on people coming to relate tenderly with compassion to themselves, one another and the very earth itself. 


Nanna supports others in navigating these terrains mainly through her writing, and sometimes through giving readings of her work. She has more than forty years experience in the field.  Though she loves participating in co-creative conversations, in which insight and the wisdom of the heart are encouraged, as an introvert, someone who finds joy and energy in the inner realms, solitude and retreat are crucial. The life of a writer though rigorous, suits her well. 


 Whatever the terrain she has been travelling, Nanna has found inspiration and succour in the realms of depth psychology, meditation and the work of the mystic poets. Inner work, spiritual practice and writing have been her constant companions.  Being in nature has also played a part.  It continues to nourish her daily and a sense of communion with its rhythms and seasons helps her know she belongs. 


Born in England of Danish heritage, Nanna grew up in Denmark, spent 25 years in the United States, several years in Spain and currently makes her home with her beloved Swedish/ American husband Sweden. Living in different countries has helped deepen her cross-cultural understanding, along with her awareness of the boon and the bane in changing cultures 


She has published five books Freya and The Magic Cloak Of Water Lilies and Warm HeartsHeart: Wisdom Awakening , Hjartats tidevarv – poems translated into Swedish by Åsa Leander,  The Touch of Nordic Light , and due in April 2021 Cherishing the Soul in Trying Times, 22 poems in both English and Swedish, translated into Swedish by Miriam Herrman. The three later books are all published by Siljans Måsar. She writing has also been  included in anthologies published by Siljans Måsar. Nanna feels grateful to Yvonne Frank Månsson of Siljans Måsar for making this possible.


More information may be found on her website


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